I am open to most anything and everything…. But even this sounded and like B.S to me. The Amber Necklace helped quell his teething pain… soothe him and keep him calm? And I am not talking about him actually putting this necklace in his mouth and teething on it. The amber necklace does NOT go into the babies mouth at all. It simply rests on the babies neck. So I am thinking…whomever made this stuff up…. and got people to believe it…. AND buy the necklace… was genius!! Until I investigated…..

Amber…. is found in forests as well as underground where it is mined in a similar way to other earthly deposits. Amber is a natural mineral that has healing properties and when worn next to the skin…. these benefits are soaked into our blood streams. The warmth of the skin helps to release the natural oils contained in the amber and these oils are absorbed through the skin and into the blood stream. “Succinic Acid“ an element in the amber is said to deliver the beneficial properties of amber bead necklaces. Historically…. Succinic Acid was used as an anti-inflammatory agent and used to alleviate pain by crushing and put into soaking baths.
Amber bead necklace benefits are said to be varied…. but the anti-inflammatory, soothing, calming and restorative effects on a baby are astounding! I witnessed it with my own eyes… and I don’t think Bash was putting it on for me. I have an incredibly painful neck issue called Spinal Stenosis….. I live in copious amounts of pain. I am hoping by wearing an amber necklace like Bash… I will get some pain relief. 100% the amber necklace worked on Bash’s teething pain… let’s see how it stacks up to my serious neck pain. I do promise to report back in on the amber necklace… and neck pain!
When buying please note…. Succinic Acid concentrations are highest in amber sourced from the Baltic region at a level of 3-8%.

P.S….. The Amber Necklace…. you are asking yourself “What the heck does that have to do with Spiritual Sunday??” I say this….. Amber is a God made mineral that comes from the earth. It’s secret powers are many and what I have just told you is unbelievable… but true… and it truly works. Besides being a beautiful piece of jewelry…. it’s a powerful painkiller only of which God could make happen… Hence “Spiritual Sunday” blog post.