Military Jacket by Laura Dunn Spring 2015
The Military trend has been going strong for the past couple of years…. and is now a continuing statement into Resort/Cruise/Spring 2015. This trend has the ability to be such a strong…. yet feminine presence…. that really translates so well onto every body type. Think of Military as an upscale version of the “Army” trend. Military usually is an embellished black or navy frock that has strong armed forces details…. unlike “Army” which is more in the cargo, army green and combat looks department. Think of Military as the officer….. where Army is more of a recruit or private. Always more upscale and always a dressier trend…. Military can even be worn for cocktail and a more casual black-tie. My Thomas Wylde Military Trench…. is a great statement coat with gold embellishments can be worn over a little black dress and never has to be taken off. My Porsche Aviators and Mui Mui studded pumps finish off this look.
P.S….. We have heard from many people that they are no longer getting FABULOUS365 in their mailboxes. If this has happened to you….. please go to the bottom of this post and simply put in your email address! VIOLA! Simple! Easy! Fabulous!!

Military Jacket by Laura Dunn Spring 2015