Clarity is a process, a process that should be done incrementally, slowly and thoughtfully. Our minds are so powerful and linked to our mental, physical and spiritual health. In The Clarity Cleanse, Dr. Habib Sadeghi helps to guide us on a personalized approach to focus on clearing our body, mind and spirit.

A 12 step process, The Clarity Cleanse helps flush the toxins not only out of our physical bodies, but out of our minds. It is proven that our emotions can help manifest the physical distress and illness in our bodies and Dr. Sadeghi believes that recurring headaches, chronic digestive problems, weight and a plethora of other sickness is often painful emotions that we have not identified or faced and we are storing these like a mental waste in our bodies. Clear the waste, clear the illness? Yes! A whole body approach to a detox. 

Along with a mental cleanse is a food cleanse… which I might add is pretty restrictive. While Dr. Sadeghi doesn’t believe that any one food is bad… but it’s the feelings and energy that we are holding while consuming that is far more important. “How we choose to relate to food is important,” he says. “In life it’s not what happens to us, it’s how we relate to what happens to us that matters.” 

I am hoping you will join me this summer of 2018 in a little warm weather detox of body, mind and spirit.