What if I told you…. I have not slept through the night in two weeks, I have been running through my house like a maniac all day and night, I have been dodging lil tiny poops in my living room (thank God it’s limestone and not carpet), bedroom, kitchen, gym, bathroom and every other room in my home. I have been unable to work on my computer without…. drool, bones, paws flying, I have to hide all shoes and make sure not a drop of anything lands on the floor, I have been late to every single appointment and I have never been happier!!! I am going through potty training hell, learning how to co-exist again with a beast that is teething and will chew on absolutely anything and when I say anything… I mean anything (including things I didn’t know could be chewed) and my stress level is at an all-time low. What if I told you I had on a pair of brand new REALLY expensive pants on that are now destroyed with puppy mush and gush and all I could do is squeal with delight by the adorableness of the beast in my lap? Would you say I have lost my mind and I am living through puppy hell? Or would you congratulate me and say wow Laura… you are now going to live a happier and healthier life? If you picked the later you are a thousand percent correct!!
And it is my absolute pleasure to introduce you to Petunia Dunn… the brand new love of my life. So funny that this lil French Bulldog fur bunny came to reside in my home at a time where everywhere you look in the media you see stories about how these lil fur babies are one of the best things we can do for our health and happiness! Let’s investigate….
Just a few Benefits of having your very own Fur Missile.
1. Healthier Heart
Several studies, including one done at Harvard Medical School, have shown that owning a dog is associated with lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and lower blood pressure. Pets have a very calming effect and dog owners tend to get more exercise. But the mot powerful “Pet Effect” comes from the power of touch. Studies have shown that our blood pressure actually goes down when we are petting our beloved pups creating a calming effect. Dogs calming effect on humans also appears to help people handle stress. For example, some research suggests that people with dogs experience less cardiovascular reactivity during times of stress. Meaning…. that their heart rate and blood pressure go up less and return to normal more quickly. dampening the effects of stress on the body.
2. Fit active, Weight Loss and Vitamin D
Health experts recommend that adults get at least two and a half hours of moderate exercise per week and if you live in Los Angeles, that becomes…. at least an hour a day. Dog owners are much more likely to hit that goal because people walk and play dogs outside, hence becoming more active and enjoying vitamin D rich sunshine. That activity will help us be more mobile into our 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. A recent study reported in the journal “GERONTOLOGIST” found that older adults that walked dogs had… lower body mass index, fewer doctor visits and more frequent and more vigorous exercise. Daily dog walks will help us lose weight!
3. Improved Social Lives
As we age it becomes harder to get out and meet new people. Not for dog owners! Researchers have found that about 40% of dog owners make friends more easily than non owners because they are out and about and tend to speak with other dog owners more freely. Studies show that dog owners in particular are more extroverted and when engaged and talking about their dogs tend to open up and blossom. Who wouldn’t want to share stories about their best friend?
4. Reduce Doctor Visits
If you are over 65 years of age and own a pet…. odds are you will seek medical help about 30% less often that non pet owners. A study in “The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology” established that animal owning seniors on Medicare “reported fewer doctor contacts over a one year period than respondents who did not won pets.” While cats, birds and other animals were helpful, it was the dog owners that benefit the most and were buffered from the impact of stressful life events on physician utilization.
5. Stave off depression
Besides the FACT that dogs raise our serotonin levels…. dog owners are less prone to depression than the dog-less, largely because they help in so many other areas of health and wellbeing.
Moral of the story: Get happier and healthier by just getting a puppy!! I know I am!!
As always…. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to visit and read my words…
All my love,
P.S. I am now into week 4 of my gift of Petunia (my daughter Beau Dunn and her husband James Fay gave me Petunia as an early birthday gift) and I can honestly say I have never moved at a slower pace and been at peace with it. Miss Petunia Dunn has brought so many gifts and blessings that it’s almost hard to believe. Who knew that sitting in the grass with no motives and doing nothing but being in the moment could bring such pleasure. The very best piece of advice I could give you… ever…. would be to seriously consider gifting yourself the gift of unconditional love, joy, peace and so much fun!