Laura Dunn-Benoit mussolin

Ode to French Milliner…. Benoït Missolin Cat Hat…. Pup Daze A good milliner is hard to find…. unless we head to the UK and then we have hat perfection. Benoït Missolin uses vivid colors, unconventional prints, embroidery, crystals and sequins to breathe life into his spectacular creations. Creations that have stolen my heart…. and head!… Read more »

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The Halloween Macaroon: Paint me a Cookie This is such a fun and creative way to express yourself this Halloween… The DIY Halloween Macaroon. The easiest and most professional way to decorate (or personalize) a cookie that I have ever seen! When my markers arrived… I couldn’t wait to get my hands on something to… Read more »

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Caramel Apple Magic I discovered Concord Caramel Apple Wraps several wars ago…. and became TOTALLY obsessed! From the moment I made my first perfect caramel apple, I knew I would never go back to the old school way of melting caramel in a pot… and then trying to figure out a way to not burn… Read more »

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I just can’t stop…. I am fringe addicted!! I found this jacket by Glamorous on-line when I couldn’t find a fringe jacket at any store over the summer. We shot this a month ago and I started my fringe jacket search in June. Now…. it’s everywhere!! But this little light weight jacket is a steal… Read more »

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GENLUX October 2015   The Fall Genlux Magazine is on the newsstands now! This issue is about as good as it gets! Please pick up a copy of Southern California’s premier fashion magazine!!   Love, Laura Dunn P.S. We just wanted to remind you that we are stripped down because…… we are under construction!!! The… Read more »

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